The day I found my passion

Its strange how when you're a child you dream of becoming anything and everything one day when you grow up. It was the same for me, I would grow up to be a pilot, an architect, a filmmaker, a writer, a graphic designer and a superhero all by the time I turned 30, I loved all those ideas.

And then I grew up and high school seemed like it would never end, I was so excited to fulfill my dreams of being this amazing adult!!

When I got to Grade 12 I soon realized that my dreams were not the most realistic, after all in order to become all those wonderful things I would have to have lots of money to study at 10 different schools, at least and I could not do that to my Dad ( or my future salaries either)

So I took a year off to find myself, never really understood the concept, where do you  go to find yourself, its not like there's a time line to finding you or is there.

So I was working in retail, finding myself somewhere in South Africa until I realized that it was boring for me to do the same thing everyday and so after a year I was ready for the Great World,

All the dreams I had as a child were still on my mind so I applied everywhere - film school, graphic design school, my eyesight wasn't too great for a pilot , I applied to film school and to an architecture programme .  My superhero training consisted of watching Superman on a daily basis.

And one day I read an advertisement in the newspaper for a Culinary school and I thought why not, as well give it a try.

I walked into the school and I was sold, without meeting the Head Chef< without having the interview or being accepted, I was so excited.

It smelt like home when I walked in ( a mixture of cookies and melted butter butter lingered in the air and that was the day I knew I was destined to be a CHEF!!


  1. What date was that? Seems like a monumental occasion like that deserves to be dated lol.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.


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