My tummy told me to!!

My blog will be about my journey with food which takes place on a daily basis. It's an aspect of everyone's life that were always surrounded by. Think of most special occasions in your life and food was definitely there.

Remember your first kiss? bet there is a memory of  a candy or a treat that you identify with. Mine was a fireball, wont go into too much detail about that but you get the jist of it. Or lunch breaks at school where all your friends would compare what lunches they had for the day. There was always someone who had a weird looking lunch. Needless to say some of our fondest memories and moments are enveloped in food, the taste, the smell, the emotion it envokes in you.
My Mom always made the most amazing dinners, she wasn't the best baker in the world but she could throw down when it came to hearty meals.
Every memory of her food is a yummy one.

So every month I tell myself . This will be the start of a new fitness programme, you will be ripped and toned and aspire to become a Victoria Secret model lookalike in your spare time and then my tummy takes over.
I say to myself, just this once or might as well taste it now lol
I'm blessed with great friends and every time we get together it involves a meal or snack of some sort.

So my blog will not be about staying healthy ( which is important), it will be about enjoying the beautiful things that life has to offer.
The picture at the top took my breath away when I first saw it.
The taste, the smell, the color was enough to make me want to know more about it.
Welcome to the Journey!!
My tummy told me to !!


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