I'm only allowed 5+2+10-7 calories a day!!

The hardest part of starting a diet is just that STARTING!!! I'm the biggest procrastinator, I'll always find excuses to start tomorrow or do it later or maybe next week.
My weaknesses are everything that tastes yummy and is topped with icing .
I love food but only certain snacks will grab my attention. Dried mangoes from South Africa, mint chocolate, chocolate covered marshmallows are always a winner. I'm definitely not one of those coconut cookies kind of people. ( COCONUT IS JUST AAARRRGGGHH)

We all have our favorite snacks and food that we love to eat and indulge in, those things that comfort us through all situations in life. whether it's the ice cream and cookies during a break up or greasy breakfast to cure a hangover, my favorite would be eating just because I can !!!

Like the name says " Sunshine in a packet"
Another one of my favorites would be frozen yoghurt, and chocolate is my favorite, there's something about snack food that makes everyone feel better, momentarily takes you out of your funk that you're in.
If you've ever been to South Africa, Marcel's Frozen Yoghurt  has to be the most amazing place, when I go there I imagine how Charlie must have felt walking into the chocolate factory , amazing flavors, toppings and delights to make anyone want to indulge.
I have a big group of friends, family and work colleagues and each of them have their own distinctive likes and dislikes.
The one may not like sweets, the other may not like chocolate but  as the saying goes " To each their own"
I think when I decide to eat healthy my cravings kick in even more and so a few days without carbohydrates has me dreaming of cake and floating marshmallows.
There's one snack though that surpasses all others for me when I really need something yummy and that is Nachos, topped with all the delicious chicken, sour cream, salsa, cheese ( I do not eat avocado so no guacamole).
Always remember that it's not a bad thing to indulge once in a while!!!
See this cool video on how to make sweet potato nachos, definitely an option for the adventurous types.
