I'd like to try it but it's an animal, I'll have the steak instead!!

What a week  it has been, I've turned a year older, not so sure about the wiser part.
Nevertheless, as I was thinking about what to write for my blog, I was very uninspired until I thought about some conversations I've had the pleasure of being in the company of in the last few weeks.

When I was at Chef School we would get out itenirary  a week in advance so as to research or get an understanding of what was ahead in the next week.

One week our itenirary said OFFAL- at the time I had very little idea as to what this included as the only contact I'd had with it was when my mom made tripe and trotters curry ( the smell alone put me off).
But being the adventurous spirit that I am and eager to taste everything I embraced it , so I did my research which was very limited back then due to not having smarter than people phones and a computer that still took floppy discs!!! And from what I obtained I was extremely put off so much so that I was contemplating being sick that next week.

My dad is not the kind of guy who takes lightly to missing school or work for no good reason so off I went with a queasy stomach on hand.
And I was introduced to so many different things from kidneys to lungs, to brains to heart they had it all !! My eyes widened and my mouth dried at the prospect of eating it, after all I've only ever had steak and fish and that's not the same thing right?

Think about it for a second , if people in different parts of the world are accustomed to things we view as delicacies or gross it's because they grew up that way same way that a vegan finds the sight of meat disgusting because they're simply not accustomed to it.

My friend always says that anything you do for 21 days eventually becomes a habit and that is true .
The saying goes " You eat with your eyes" ( I'm not sure if anyone actually said that but let's go with it).
Our head chef at college had taken the lamb brains and crumbed them, looking at them  you would never know what was inside there unless you saw him making it from scratch.
My mind was telling me that this would be gross when I tried it but when I tasted it, it wasn't that bad.

And so began a journey of appreciating food for what it is, a discovery of tastes, flavors, textures, I may not eat everything but I do like to try at least once.
Have a wonderful foodie filled week!!


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