And some people think passion is just a fruit

A lot of people ask me why I don't work in the kitchen anymore as a chef given as it was always my passion to cook and be surrounded by creativity. A few years ago I found out that I needed to do a job that was less demanding on my body physically and so I stayed with the kitchen team but in an admin position.

The great thing about working in hospitality especially hotels is that you're always exposed to all different kinds of people who work in different departments and it makes you so much more appreciative of what other people do.

For example a lifeguard that spends his days working outside even during a scorching Middle eastern summer or a housekeeper who cleans multiple rooms in a day and never complains, ever seen a chef set up a Friday brunch or a themed buffet.
The point is that so many people choose different career paths based on what they love to do in life and sometimes find themselves doing even better than they thought they would.

I once worked for a General Manager who started off washing dishes and he reminded us daily that hard work and perseverance get you to where you should be and that you should never give up on your dreams.

To be a great chef requires heart and passion as much as it does skill. Anyone can learn how to make Eggs Benedict but not everyone can make the lightest Hollandaise with perfectly poached eggs .

The life you give to your food is determined by how much love you put into it. Long ago before the invention of stoves people took even more care with cooking as using fire was the only means of getting food correctly done.

In essence no matter what you do in life it always requires passion, hard work and determination.

Have a wonderful week my foodie friends
