A bunny chow??? Like real bunnies!!!!

The 27th April is a very special day for South Africans. It's the day we had our first democratic election in our beautiful country and became a democracy and it is known as Freedom Day !!!

If you've ever met anyone from South Africa you'd know that nothing is ever celebrated without a braai ( BBQ for those who don't know) or a drink , it's part of our culture!!! Whether it's a birthday, baptism or just because its a weekend three things always unite us- music, food and wine ( others may have something stronger).
This year those of us that found ourselves in Bahrain on  Freedom Day attended  the South African Potjiekos Competition at the Royal Golf Club and were welcomed with the aroma of delicious food.

It's not an easy task to duplicate South African recipes as our spices and ingredients we use are very specific, but they did an excellent job.
There were bunny chows, boerewors rolls, vetkoek & mince, bobotie, and much more, all of our favorites!! For those of you who don't know what a bunny chow is picture half a loaf of bread where the inside is scooped out and filled up with a delicious curry.
It's filling is so delicious that your  mouth will be watering just at the sight of it.

I also tried the boerewors rolls which took me back to Long Street on a weekend after a night of partying.
The heat was a bit too much on that day though. But that's never stopped us before .
For the love of food we would do anything!!
Have an amazing week my foodie friends
